My practice focuses on the sale and acquisition of post-acute facilities and businesses, which include skilled nursing homes (SNFs), assisted living facilities (ALFs), independent living facilities (ILFs), home health agencies and hospices. I am also a borrower’s counsel for the financing of these businesses, including accounts receivable financing and real estate financing including agency loans (HUD and Fannie Mae).
While General Counsel, I managed the Company’s general, professional and employment litigation and I counsel companies on risk management strategies including captive insurance programs.
I have represented both employers and senior executives in the post-acute industry in negotiating employment agreements. I am also familiar with the issues unique to business owners sued under alter ego theories and have successfully defended such case in post-acute care.
Prior to my focus on healthcare transactions, I had a general business practice where I represented companies in entity formation, the purchase and sale of businesses, finance transactions and real property matters.